Ayoade Onireti's Staff Space

Dear Students, 

Welcome to LAW7026- Dissertation Module 

The tutor for this course is Dr Ayoade Onireti (Ayo).

This module provides candidates with the opportunity to undertake an extended and substantial piece of research; to synthesise the academic knowledge acquired from LLM modules and to produce an evaluative and critical discussion of salient issues. The dissertation follows the completion of the research methods module, which is a prerequisite for commencement of the dissertation. Following receipt of feedback from the second research methods assignment, you will undertake the data gathering either by fieldwork or desk research or some combination of both, evaluate and synthesise the findings and present them clearly.

Dear Students, 

Welcome to LAW7039 - Dissertation Module 

The tutor for this course is Dr Ayoade Onireti (Ayo).

This module allows candidates to undertake an extended and substantial piece of research, synthesize the academic knowledge acquired from LLM modules, and produce an evaluative and critical discussion of salient issues. The dissertation follows the completion of the research methods module, which is a prerequisite for the commencement of the dissertation. After receiving feedback from the second research methods assignment, you will undertake the data gathering either by fieldwork desk research or some combination of both, evaluate and synthesize the findings and present them clearly. You will also present a set of conclusions drawn from the findings.

The module is designed to demonstrate a critical awareness of contemporary concepts, principles, and rules of employment law. It evaluates the legal aspects of the employment relationship from the common law origins, through to the provision of a statutory floor of rights and the impact of the European Union to gain a cohesive understanding of the law.  To help students consolidate their learning Ethical Responsibility will be studied to address and examine the relationship between employer and employee. This module also serves to develop employability skills with particular emphasis on the following GAME attributes: Global Citizen and Lifelong Learning

This module is designed to examine the system of criminal law in England and Wales and how it has developed through case law and legislation. The module aims to enable you to understand the main legal developments which have shaped the current system. It also introduces students to the aims, principles, and scope of criminal law in England and Wales. To achieve this, you will study the main elements of crime, the two offences that constitute homicide, sexual offences, property offences, and the defences available to a defendant in a criminal trial. The subject is largely based on the case law of England & Wales, but it also includes important statutory provisions and, increasingly, demands an awareness of the impact of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, Human rights, and the law of Evidence. What this means in effect is that this module will allow you to understand some important elements of these law subject areas. 

Being a core and dynamic subject, occupying a central position within the English Legal system, you will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of a core legal subject. The module is also designed to enable you to develop your research skills, problem-solving skills, and independent study skills. The module will demonstrate analytical skills through the examination and application of principles of law to a wide range of criminal situations.

The module offers a deep understanding of argumentative practices and research methods.  It aims to introduce the candidate to the craft of argumentation and research.  In doing so, it equips the candidates with several research methodologies that can be used when doing research in different areas of law.  Further, the study of argumentative practices and research methods leads to the development of skills highly transferable to any area of law.

summary goes her

Dear Students, 

Welcome to LAW4019 - Criminal  Law

The tutor for this course is Dr Ayoade Onireti (Ayo). This module is designed to examine the system of criminal law in England and Wales and how it has developed through case law and legislation. The module aims to enable you to understand the main legal developments which have shaped the current system. The module will demonstrate analytical skills through the examination and application of principles of law to a wide range of criminal situations.

Please find below the necessary information regarding the module and if you have any questions please contact Ayo via a.onireti@bolton.ac.uk