Kerry Prescott's Staff Space

Approximately 1 in 4 people report a mental health problem each year. This may equate to 500,000 students per year nationally, (UUK, 2017).  In the academic year 2018/2019, of the 1073 current students who declared a diagnosed disability to the University, 24.1% of these students disclosed a mental health condition.  Between the period of 2015 and 2019, the University’s Wellbeing Services have seen the number of referrals for student’s seeking support for their mental health and wellbeing needs double, resulting in the University developing and expanding the mental health and wellbeing support available to students.

In response to this growing need, the University has introduced an online training course to provide support to staff in identifying symptoms of poor mental health and to raise awareness of mental health conditions.  This online training package is mandatory for all staff and seeks to provide an overview of mental health issues within higher education.

This course explores different mental health issues that some users may find upsetting, emotionally challenging or of a potentially triggering nature. 

Whilst the training is mandatory for employees of the University, if you are concerned about the subject matter or content of this course, please contact HR or alternatively you can access the employee EAP service provided by VIVUP on 03303 800658 (local call rate) or by email on

In addition to this online training, further training will be made available for staff in student facing roles. Staff wishing to access additional resources may find the following links helpful:

Wellbeing page- LibGuides

Lifelounge registration form- –

Following completion of the online training course, please complete the short questionnaire via the link below:

This will enable us to review the effectiveness of this course and also assist in the development of additional training and support.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity, the pursuit of diversity amongst its staff and student population and a supportive environment for all members of our community. 

To support this Human Resources has provided an interactive e-learning package to give you a up-to-date knowledge and understanding of equality and diversity and related issues.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity, the pursuit of diversity amongst its staff and student population and a supportive environment for all members of our community. 

To support this Human Resources has provided an interactive e-learning package to give you a up-to-date knowledge and understanding of managing diversity and related issues.