- Teacher: David Digby
- Teacher: Ian Glover
- Teacher: Laura Pinnington
- Teacher: Aj Wilkinson
Images and Text fr Online Exhibition for BA (Hons) Photography
- Teacher: Roxana Allison
- Teacher: Tyrone Anderson
- Teacher: Nathan Crook
- Teacher: Georgina Gill
- Teacher: Ian Glover
- Teacher: Liz Holt
- Teacher: Jenny Karling
- Teacher: Rachel McHaffie
- Teacher: Jaimie Moses
- Teacher: Keith Roberts
- Teacher: Mark Robison
Welcome to Major Project for BA (HONS) Photography.
A bit about the module;
The Major Project module is a substantial piece of work that will enable you to demonstrate the extent of your achievement on the degree as a whole. You may work individually or in teams with a common supervisor. In the latter case the learning agreements must identify which components the team will be assessed on with a single shared grade, and which you will be individually assessed on. Terminology (e.g. learning agreement, action plan) will differ on some programmes to ensure consistency with industry. Many of the faculty’s programmes that involve artistry and creativity have engagement in a Final Show as a required component of their Major project. Details will be presented in Module Guides. Each programme will prepare a Module Guide that will provide further advice regarding the Major Project, including attendance, supervisory arrangements, assessment criteria and arrangements and rules where you work as part of a team.
- Teacher: Ian Glover
- Teacher: Rachel McHaffie
In this module, you will gain fundamental skills of media production for photographers as practiced throughout the industry. You will have the opportunity to learn basic media production skills through participation in activities appropriate to your programme. You will develop your skills and understanding, through hands-on workshop-based activities and exercises. You will be encouraged to explore and experiment with the medium, and to begin to explore themes and issues in your work. Graduate Attributes: Collaborative, Confident
- Teacher: David Digby
- Teacher: Ian Glover
- Teacher: Rachel McHaffie
- Teacher: Keith Roberts
- Teacher: Steve Southern
The aim of this module is to develop your knowledge and understanding of the wider concepts, debates and commentaries surrounding photography. Learning will focus on historical, contemporary and possible future developments within the sphere of photography whilst allowing you to prepare evidence of your own research as an underpinning element of your photographic journey. The module aims to develop conceptual thinking within historical and contemporary photographic discourse. Research and study skills are an integral part of the module and blended learning forms part of the delivery process, such as electronic checking of written work and participating in online discussions and research. Graduate Attributes: Effective Communicator, Self Aware
- Teacher: Ian Glover
- Teacher: Rachel McHaffie
- Teacher: Laura Pinnington
This module offers you insights into photography both as a global industry whilst also relating to the professional outputs that are taught within the practice-led modules you are studying. A key aim of the module is to prepare you for individual trajectory into photography as a profession in preparation for work related activities. The module will investigate a range of current photographic pathways through research visits, lectures and later individual discussion. This will allow for the development of an individually negotiated pathway. The module will encourage you to become familiar with current work-related opportunities related to your learning thus preparing you for industrial experience.
- Teacher: David Digby
- Teacher: Ian Glover
- Teacher: Rachel McHaffie
- Teacher: Laura Pinnington