Craig Lomas's Staff Space

This module will introduce you to the relationship between theory relating to retrieval practice and the pedagogical decisions that teachers make in practice. You will be expected to engage critically with a range of theoretical underpinnings relating to retrieval practice. You will develop an understanding of the range of challenges experienced by some children and how these can act as barriers to successful engagement with the curriculum. You will explore the varied ways in which you as a teacher can make purposeful pedagogical decisions to bring about transformative outcomes for pupils, either now or in your future practice. You will critically reflect on any challenges you encounter in applying theory to practice and explore how you might resolve these, either now or in your future practice.

The overall aim of this module is to promote an understanding of the theory and practice of leadership in the education sector. Throughout, the key focus will be the relationship between effective leadership and school improvement in terms of learning and teaching. We will analyse and discuss case-study material that draws attention to educational leadership in practice. The importance of research informed practice will be stressed. Diversity issues in educational leadership will be addressed. Environmental sustainability is integrated into the module through use of on-line learning resources, e-books and VLE.