Gianmarco Rao's Staff Space

This module focuses on businesses in the global legal environment.  Accordingly, it covers the legal framework regulating the following international relationships: i) those between States, ii) those between businesses and States, and iii) those between persons.  The module is specifically designed in line with the requirements of a HE7 cohort and uses a number of approaches to support developing higher-level skills and attributes.  In particular, it allows them to work on creativity, innovation and professional identity.  It does so by exposing the candidates to novel challenges in international business matters and using practical role-play and simulation exercises.  The module has an incremental approach.   It starts with a general introduction to the overarching international law framework that applies to international business law areas.  It then moves into those specific and distinct areas.  Of those areas, it focuses on the relevant legal framework and its practical implications.  It then finishes by focusing on the dispute settlement and enforcement mechanisms that apply to the specific areas discussed throughout the module.  The module will develop and assess a range of skills through classes and consolidation sessions.  Those sessions aim to consolidate information given in class by giving the candidates some questions – based on hypothetical case scenarios – to answer before attending the session.  At the same time, they also allow them to work on higher-level skills and attributes.  In particular, it allows them to work on creativity, innovation and professional identity, as they will be required to come up with arguments and argue them concerning real-life cases, that they would encounter in the professional practice of international business law.  The module asks candidates to solve complex problems and develop creative and innovative solutions concerning contemporary issues in international business law.  It does so during classes, consolidations sessions, and formative assessments through exercises that resemble real-life cases involving issues of international business law. 

Welcome to European Law. My name is Giammarco Rao, and I will be your lecturer for this course.
It is crucial to understand that despite Brexit, EU law still has relevance to UK lawyers. The UK has left the EU and is now outside all the legal and political structures of the EU. Therefore, we must consider the substantial impact Brexit has on UK law and how post-Brexit arrangements have changed the rights and obligations of the UK government and UK citizens.
EU law is a dynamic and developing legal order that will continue to impact the UK for years to come, especially for those who continue to trade with the EU and sell their goods in the EU Single Market. It is important to acknowledge this and adapt accordingly to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
The EU legal order requires constant interaction between the Court of Justice of the European Union and the national courts in the Member States—an interaction that produces many challenges both for the legal procedures involved and for the content of the law at issue. The result is a wealth of legislation and case law that is often different in style and substance from traditional domestic law but which is a crucial and integral part of Member States’ national law.
We will necessitate an incremental development of the candidate’s knowledge and understanding. To achieve this, classes and materials have been organized in a structured and logical manner. The opening classes will provide the candidate with the foundations of EU law. This provides a solid base that equips the candidate with the fundamental principles on which to build a complete understanding of EU law.
The following classes will then explore several issues of constitutional importance to the European Union, how its law functions, and a number of substantive aspects of the internal market. In any event, every class will include relevant points on Brexit and the UK.
This format will enrich your understanding of EU law. We will carry out exercises on legal argumentation to allow you to develop argumentative skills. These exercises are also helpful in preparing the essays through which this module is assessed.

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment with me, reach out to me at

The module offers a deep understanding of argumentative practices and research methods.  It aims to introduce the candidate to the craft of argumentation and research.  In doing so, it equips the candidates with several research methodologies that can be used when doing research in different areas of law.  Further, the study of argumentative practices and research methods leads to the development of skills highly transferable to any area of law.

This module focuses on businesses in the global legal environment.  Accordingly, it covers the legal framework regulating the following international relationships: i) those between States, ii) those between businesses and States, and iii) those between persons.  The module is specifically designed in line with the requirements of a HE7 cohort and uses a number of approaches to support developing higher-level skills and attributes.  In particular, it allows them to work on creativity, innovation and professional identity.  It does so by exposing the candidates to novel challenges in international business matters and using practical role-play and simulation exercises.  The module has an incremental approach.   It starts with a general introduction to the overarching international law framework that applies to international business law areas.  It then moves into those specific and distinct areas.  Of those areas, it focuses on the relevant legal framework and its practical implications.  It then finishes by focusing on the dispute settlement and enforcement mechanisms that apply to the specific areas discussed throughout the module.  The module will develop and assess a range of skills through classes and consolidation sessions.  Those sessions aim to consolidate information given in class by giving the candidates some questions – based on hypothetical case scenarios – to answer before attending the session.  At the same time, they also allow them to work on higher-level skills and attributes.  In particular, it allows them to work on creativity, innovation and professional identity, as they will be required to come up with arguments and argue them concerning real-life cases, that they would encounter in the professional practice of international business law.  The module asks candidates to solve complex problems and develop creative and innovative solutions concerning contemporary issues in international business law.  It does so during classes, consolidations sessions, and formative assessments through exercises that resemble real-life cases involving issues of international business law. 

The course will explore the concept and nature of marriage as the central nucleus from which the laws governing the family have traditionally emanated. It will examine the formation and function of marriage, its legal effects and the legal means devised by the State to protect it. This will include the legal effects of marriage, void and voidable marriages and the law of annulment.

We will then move to the dissolutions of adult relationships, and in that context, we will discuss the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, which came into force on 6 April 2020. 

We will also examine domestic violence and Part IV of the Family Law. This class will analyze issues surrounding matrimonial home rights, regulations of the rights of occupation, ancillary relief, and the protection offered by civil law concerning domestic violence.

The course will also examine the law pertaining to parenthood and proof of parenthood – this means blood testing and DNA samples. In this section, we will examine new reproductive technologies and surrogacy and the legal consequences of parenthood.

We will introduce and examine the concept and the general principles of parental responsibility and children’s rights that form part of The Children Act 1989. The ability of a parent will depend on whether he or she has parental responsibility. The course will examine children’s perspectives of the divorce process and how the law intervenes in disputes relating to residence and contact orders.

With respect to financial provision, the course will look at family property, the division of property after divorce, orders for financial relief on divorce and relationship breakdown, and orders for financial support of children.

Feel free to reach to me to discuss any questions or doubt you might have.  My email address is 

Welcome to LAW4017 - Contract Law

The tutor for this course is Dr Ayoade Onireti (Ayo). The module is designed enable you to understand the law relating to legal obligations. As part of the same, you will learn about how contractual relationships are formed, what the contents of a contact will be, and how contracts can be discharged. You will also study whether any vitiating factors can affect contractual relationships.  In being able to do the above, you will be able to understand a fundamentally important area of the law, that will allow you to discuss, interpret and apply the law to practical and problem based legal scenarios. The module will also allow you to understand the law in other subject areas, given a contract (or agreement) forms the basis of areas such as employment law, land law and sports law, international business law, and also draws upon equitable remedies when studying discharge of contracts and vitiating factors.  

If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact Ayo via email or see the Tutor prior to the lectures or seminars.

Submission of Assignments

Please note Turnitin can be slow in response during periods of high demand.  Students are advised NOT to delay submission to the final minutes towards the deadline.

Single submission means that submission cannot be overwritten.

Students should check the appropriate file types well in advance of the submission deadline.

Your piece of work should include references and a bibliography in one single document.

The Turnitin software will invite you to name your submission - YOU MUST USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT -

Student number (not your name) - username - Tutor's name

For example - 110202 - ssnw -AyoadeOnireti