This module is designed to build on the English Legal System & Foundational Legal skills module.
The module will continue to explore contemporary language skills, study skills, how to form a legal argument and legal knowledge vital to every law student, professional lawyer and academic.
The module will continue to support students to acquire the “how to” techniques in using legal texts, writing about the law and constructing reasoned legal argument in order to gain a cohesive understanding of law.
The module will also give students a grounding in legal research methods; i.e. planning, implementation and presentation of legal information. This will include the use of world wide web and also specific legal databases.
In addition, the student is required to produce a portfolio including a research proposal, skeleton argument and letter of advice in order to help students consolidate their learning.
This module also serves to develop employability skills with particular emphasis on the following GAME attributes: Resilient and Lifelong Learning