This module is designed to consolidate and channel the skills and knowledge gained over the entire course. It provides an opportunity to develop a self-initiated long-form project resulting in a published work of journalism or storytelling, which should serve as a portfolio to launch or elevate your chosen career path. You will develop a proposal document which includes consideration of theoretical and professional issues related to your subject discipline and will apply your advanced skills and knowledge of the specialism to your personal project as agreed with your supervisor. Through an iterative process you will create a personal style, approach and methods through relevant exploration and prototypes related to intended practice-based work. Throughout the module, you will be encouraged to engage in self-reflective critique of your professional practice with examination of the different stages of a production. The module will enable you to demonstrate an advanced understanding of issues, challenges and opportunities encountered by practitioners working in the specialism through the development of a major body of work that meets professional standards and reflects the process, understanding, and application of knowledge. The GAME+ attributes developed on this module are: Influence and Impact, Critical Self-Management, Critical Creativity and Innovation, Professional identity.