This moodle place is the repository for events, activities and outputs from the 2023-24 Academic Year STACK-UP Programme.

Recordings of speaker / employer events will be uploaded together with forums to enable student and staff interaction with those employers who have taken part. This will also form a channel of communication and opportunity between student and employer communities for GMBS.

In addition the pages will be used to share results of our ongoing research into student, staff and employer views about Employability and what makes graduates employable (in particular graduates from GMBS).

Please feel free to browse the site and add your thoughts via the various touch points and forums available throughout.

Martin McAreavey

Martin McAreavey BSc MBA (Dunelm) PGCE FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Business and Management

Y4-08 Greater Manchester Business School

Great Moor Street



+44 1204 903022