Tutor: Laura Robertson

Classes: Wednesdays, 10.00am - 1.00pm, room T5-014.

Module Description:

The ‘Pre Present Post Photography’ module is an introduction to understanding photography through what has been written about the discipline. You will develop theoretical knowledge, historical context and critical reflection in relation to semiotics, iconography and image authorship, which will help you to develop an understanding of how you can position your work in relation to what has been done before. This module will develop student scholarship and study skills in terms of note taking, academic writing / referencing and presentations skills. You will learn about literature searching through the use of databases and digital resources, academic study, information / self-management skills and personal development planning. In summary, it will provide a strong academic foundation for future study, through increasing both your confidence and writing stamina. 

Module Learning Outcomes:

LO1:  Discuss relevant information and ideas obtained from a variety of historical and theoretical sources in order to contextualise key concepts.

LO2Review key pieces of theoretical writing in relation to photography, making use of appropriate terminology. 

LO3:  Recognise and demonstrate effective use of scholarly study skills in an academic context. 

Assessment Deadline:

Assessment 1 (100%):  Portfolio of Writing, 3000 Words. Due Wednesday 4 January 2023, no later than 12 noon, via Moodle submission. 

Image: Richard Kalvar, Magnum Photos, 1969