Welcome to Education Research Community.
This Moodle space is dedicated to all members of the education team to store the information about their research activities. This will hopefully help the team to map their research activities and the impact of these as well as to be ready for the REF evaluation process in 2025/6. Each member of the team can have a dedicated space where they will store links to their outputs (Books; articles; conferences overview; other impact events). The page has links to ethics forms and EFIT links. Other links will provide- recommendations were to publish; about funding opportunities and also general announcements. You are all registered as teachers here so this page will be a collaborative attempt to maintain the spirit of a research community. If you wish to inform other members about a new opportunity to present their research or disseminate the findings, you are welcome to use Announcement function.
Also the minutes and recordings from meetings will be stored here. If you have any suggestions, please share these with me. I do hope this will encourage you to explore an area of your academic expertise and will result in some great collaborative projects.
- Teacher: Daniela Bacova
- Teacher: Tara Chandler
- Teacher: Rose Childs
- Teacher: Kathryn Cridland
- Teacher: Clare Higgins
- Teacher: Moira Hulme
- Teacher: Sadiyya Jangharia
- Teacher: Georgina King
- Teacher: Hannah Lovatt
- Teacher: David Marrs
- Teacher: Georgia McCrone
- Teacher: Laura O'Brien
- Teacher: Sally Preece
- Teacher: Susan Rabbitt
- Teacher: Sarah Telfer
- Teacher: Scott Threlfall
- Teacher: Pauline Walters
- Teacher: Gill Waugh
- Teacher: Rebecca Woolley
- Teacher: Daryl Wright