This module will introduce you to Islamic law related to business transactions. The methodologies and concepts of Islamic law will be investigated to provide in-depth knowledge related to various Islamic business transactions. You will gain an critical understanding of fiqh al-mu’amalat. You will develop an in-depth knowledge of Islamic schools of thoughts and usul al-fiqh. The concept of riba (interest) and gharar (ambiguity) and contemporary related issues will be critically explained and discussed. In addition you will gain enhanced knowledge and skills in the application of Islamic commercial and financial transactions. The module will also evaluate current Islamic finance issues related to Sharia governance and regulation. This module serves to develop employability skills with particular emphasis on the following: 1. Communication Skills (DTA) 2. Teamwork (D) 3. Organisation and Planning (DTA) 4. Self Awareness (D) 5. Initiative (DTA).

Taught (T), Developed (D) and Assessed (A).