Remote Teaching Delivery:

Due to the current circumstances and in the interest of all our students and the wider University of Bolton community, we are currently developing all teaching resources to support your learning journey. Therefore, for foreseeable future all teaching resources will be delivered remotely online using our virtual learning environment; Moodle and other online resources.

As a team, our aim is to support you all to continue your individual learning journey and provide appropriate resources and support to facilitate your learning and development. It is paramount all students continue to engage with all learning resources as per timetabled scheduled teaching days. Students are expected to be working towards completing all assessments as per the module specification, although these may not all be delivered in the same way.

Please ensure you regularly communicate with your module tutor in relation to module queries, and personal tutors who can provide pastoral guidance and support where required. Please ensure you check your University of Bolton email account at regularly intervals to receive updates. You must also ensure you all access the resources/activities on moodle which will be monitored regularly by the team.

We appreciate this is a very challenging time for you all and respect your patience and professionalism. As nurses it is so important that we continue to adopt a culture that provides guidance, support and encouragement for each other throughout these uncertain times.